Citrus limon Positive qualities: Ability to integrate expansion and contraction in mental forces of the soul; mental clarity balanced with imaginative and artistic capacities Patterns of imbalance: Mental fatigue or related toxicity in the nervous system; dreaminess; learning disorders, including attention deficit
Lewisia triphylla Positive qualities: Profound expansiveness of the soul; star-like consciousness radiating exquisite sensitivity; the spirit breath of the cosmos united with the most tender aspects of human love and sensitivity Patterns of imbalance: Tenuous hold on earth forces due to extensive astral forces that do not fully contract; “indigo” or autistic children who cannot bring their…
Syringa vulgaris Positive qualities: Deep wellsprings of memory that rejuvenate the soul, neurological regeneration through stimulation of memory forces that connect the soul with joy and life meaning Patterns of imbalance: Soul amnesia – inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of the soul, especially in early childhood; sadness, depression, or sense of…
Mertensia ciliata Positive qualities: Reclamation of soul light in the deepest structures of the body; recovery from depression or addiction with new forces of hope and upliftment Patterns of imbalance: Depression registered in the body as physical gravity; listless, languid or drained – often localized in the respiratory system; a sense of hopelessness or resignation…
Lupinus latifolius Positive qualities: Expanded self-identity that is integrated within a larger community matrix; ability to sacrifice or sublimate personal needs or desires for a greater whole Patterns of imbalance: Selfishness, greed; intense identification with petty concerns or narrow interests that stymie community welfare
Arbutus menziesii Positive qualities: Fullness and abundance of the physical body; ability to receive and enjoy physical nourishment Patterns of imbalance: Severe dieting, non-acceptance of one’s body weight or size; possible history of physical aversion to one’s mother; malnourishment or disturbed breastfeeding; absence of physical soul warmth in early childhood
Aconitum columbianum Positive qualities: Positive and courageous spiritual leadership; profound capacity for clairvoyance that is well integrated with social and moral values Patterns of imbalance: Repression of spiritual capacities due to fear of psychic opening, often associated with traumatic memory, of near-death or related threshold experiences; paralysis of spiritual forces due to prior trauma or…
Hackelia micrantha Positive qualities: Vibrant and dynamic connection with spiritual teachers and guides; deep soul memory of karmic patterns affecting one’s destiny; alignment with soul’s life purpose through higher guidance Patterns of imbalance: Soul angst and alienation, feelings of isolation due to lack of connection and guidance from the spiritual world; confusion about life purpose and direction
Pedicularis groenlandica Positive qualities: Deep mystical forces of the soul; profound soul memory which imparts positive emotional insight and wisdom; connection with ancient sources of earth wisdom and soul history Patterns of imbalance: Pronounced sensitivity or hypochondria leading to seclusion or separation; fits of crying or other water imbalances; excessive emotionality which inhibits deeper understanding…
Calyptridium umbellatum Positive qualities: Physical contact as a source of grace and gentleness in the soul; ability to touch and be touched with sensitivity and sensuality; softening of the soul forces toward greater receptivity Patterns of imbalance: Fear of being touched; unable to allow softer side to be recognized or experienced by others; sexual abuse or violence…
Delphinium nudicaule Positive qualities: Ability to radiate energy through the body as a positive form of leadership; magnetic forces that catalyze and inspire energy in others; positive Esprit de corps Patterns of imbalance: Lack of radiance and physical energy in the body; inability to energize or motivate others to accomplish common goals; lackluster energy that…
Penstemon rostriflorus Positive qualities: Sense of adventure and risk-taking; positive athleticism at any age; determination and tenacity when facing physical challenges Patterns of imbalance: Hesitation to take risks; lack of physical courage; inability to accept physical challenges or to rise to a new level of physical ability regardless of physical limitation or challenge
Cercis occidentalis Positive qualities: Acceptance of the natural cycles of maturation and aging; body-soul regeneration based on a positive alignment with life cycles of death and birth Patterns of imbalance: Overly materialistic approach to the body, desire to preserve the outer form of the body through plastic surgery, drugs, or extreme medical technologies that bypass…
Sequoia sempervirens Positive qualities: Stature and majesty in physical incarnation; soul embrace of creative forces of growth and physical vitality Patterns of imbalance: Lack of physical strength, stature; hereditary or health issues that deplete vitality; stunted development of physical forces; spinal injuries or other afflictions to spinal health or bone structure
Ruta graveolens Positive qualities: Internal cohesion and containment of psychic forces; activation of appropriate aspects of soul consciousness according to professional and personal responsibilities Patterns of imbalance: Scattered or confused psychic forces which deplete immunity and protective boundaries; the need for greater clarity and discrimination in the activation of psychic forces